Paint Cheat Sheet



Dry Spray            →           Decrease air pressure & increase fluid flow

Orange Peel        →           Increase air pressure & reduce fluid flow



Nason SelectPrime 2K Urethane Over Bare Fiberglass

1)     Clean with solvent

2)     Scrub with Dawn and maroon Scotch-Brite

3)     Rinse very thoroughly and dry very thoroughly

4)     Sand P240

5)     Remove dust and clean with wax & grease remover

6)     Mask off areas as required

7)     Setup holding fixture

8)     Get out supplies:

-        Gun cleaning supplies, lacquer thinner

-        Gloves, mask, Tyvek suite

-        Tack cloth

-        Cups, strainers, sticks, and tape

9)     Wet floor in paint booth

10)  Mix:      

4             SelectPrime                        421-19

1             2K Activator                       483-87 (mid-temp), or 483-88 (high-temp)

5-10%    Urethane Reducer           Not recommended by Nason

11)  Initial gun setup (A610):

Tip          1.7

Fan         WO

Fluid       2-3

PSI          30

12)  Apply 2-4 wet coats, flash 5-10 minutes between coats

13)  Dry times:

Before sanding                  2 hours

14)  Must be sanded before topcoat (P400-P600)




Nason Ful-Poxy Over Bare Aluminum

1)     Clean with solvent

2)     Scrub with Dawn and maroon Scotch-Brite

3)     Rinse very thoroughly and dry very thoroughly

4)     Clean with wax & grease remover and allow to flash off

5)     Mask off areas as required

6)     Setup holding fixture

7)     Get out supplies

-        Gun cleaning supplies, lacquer thinner

-        Gloves, mask, Tyvek suite

-        Tack cloth

-        Cups, strainers, sticks, and tape

8)     Wet floor in paint booth

9)     Mix:      

1             Ful-Poxy                              419-16

1             Epoxy Activator                483-19

10)  Induction time, 30-60 min  (Pot life 24 hours)

11)  Squeegee primer into flush rivet heads

12)  Initial gun setup (A610):

Tip          1.5

Fan         WO

Fluid       2

PSI          30-35

13)  Apply 1 wet coat

14)  Dry times:

To top coat                        1-24 hours w/o sanding (after 24 hr, must be sanded)

To sand                               overnight (sand w/ P400-P600)




USC Icing

1)     Clean with solvent, make sure solvent has flashed off

2)     Sand P180, and blow off dust

3)     Mix:      

4”           Puddle of icing

1             Edge-edge ribbon of hardener

4)     Apply quickly

5)     Sand w/ P180-240

6)     Re-prime





SpeedoKote Hot Rod Black SMR-207/211

1)     Apply primer per above and sand with P400-P500

2)     Blow off dust, clean with wax & grease remover, and allow to flash off

3)     Mask off areas as required

4)     Setup holding fixture

5)     Get out supplies

-        Gun cleaning supplies, lacquer thinner

-        Gloves, mask, Tyvek suite

-        Tack cloth

-        Cups, strainers, sticks, and tape

6)     Wet floor in paint booth

7)     Mix:      

4             SpeedoKote HR Black     SMR-207

1             Activator                            SMR-211

5-10%    Urethane Grade Reducer (optional)

8)     Initial gun setup (A610):

Tip          1.3

Fan         WO

Fluid       2 (minimum to achieve best atomization)

PSI          29

9)     Apply 1 wet coat, then 1 medium coat with 5–10-minute flash time between

10)  Dry times:

Dust free                            5-10 minutes

Tack free                            5-10 minutes

To stripe                             6-8 hours

To decal                              24 hours

To recoat                           24 hours




Nason Ful-Thane 2K Urethane

1)     Apply primer per above and sand with P400-P600

2)     Blow off dust, clean with wax & grease remover, and allow to flash off

3)     Mask off areas as required

4)     Setup holding fixture

5)     Get out supplies

-        Gun cleaning supplies, lacquer thinner

-        Gloves, mask, Tyvek suite

-        Tack cloth

-        Cups, strainers, sticks, and tape

6)     Wet floor in paint booth

7)     Mix:       (pot life 4 hr)

8             Ful-Thane

1             Catalyst                483-15

2             Reducer               441-20 (50-65°), 441-21 (65-85°), 441-22 (85°+)

8)     Initial gun setup (A610):

Tip          1.3

Fan         WO

Fluid       2 (minimum to achieve best atomization)

PSI          29

9)     Apply 1 medium coat, allow to tack, then 1 full wet coat

10)  Dry times:

Out of dust                        30 minutes

Tack free                            45-60 minutes

Hard                                    Overnight

                       To polish                             Overnight (sand P1200 or finer, buff 1700-2000 RPM)














